Manuscripts, archives and books on India The Library has many Indian items and has hosted several small exhibitions, including one on which Alex M. Cain, The Cornchest for Scotland: Scots in India, Edinburgh: National Library of Scotland, 1986, was based. The Library's Medical History of British India site contains much material digitised here for the first time. It is also the repository for the archives of several leading figures in British India: Sir Gilbert Elliot, 4th Baronet, 1st Earl of Minto, who was Governor General of India from 1806 to 1813. This collection includes his family and general correspondence relating to government and administration, and much official material (e.g. 97 volumes of Secret Department Proceedings). Gilbert John Kynynmound Elliot, 4th Earl of Minto, who was Viceroy of India, 1905-10, form a substantial collection that documents the administration of India from c.1883 to 1914. Brigadier-General Sir Alexander Walker, who was in the service of the East India Company from 1780 to 1812, and was Political Resident at Baroda from 1802 to 1810. For more detail on the NLS South Asia holdings, see Browsing the NLS South Asian Collections, Kevin Halliwell This article was published on 2023-11-21